gtag('config', 'G-F2QY2CZ51R'); MindFulL Thoughts: 5 simple ways to improve your memory


Sunday, 20 November 2022

5 simple ways to improve your memory


5 simple ways to improve memory power

Improve your memory for a healthy future

A good memory is an investment for the future. You can head up anywhere to achieve anything if you are healthy. It contributes to a successful life with a healthy lifestyle and diet plans by maintaining a balance in and outside.

Memory power is a sign of where you are now in terms of health. However, the digitalised world where everything is in the pocket has a downward effect on our memory and the ability to perceive things. Usually, the early symptoms of memory loss are ignored, especially by youngsters. Studies have proved with clear evidence that this has become a serious problem, even among young people, that needs immediate attention for prevention.

Poor diet plans to lack of physical and mental exercises are the leading causes of memory loss. Long-term memories are susceptible to fade away when short-term memories stay around 3-4 months. Human memory has diminishing values while the technological memory of phones and laptops has upper graphs. There has to be something done to resolve the modern issue. Mindfullthoughtss, the leading lifestyle blog, has a list of best tips to improve your memory that is hundred per cent proven and easy to follow.

·       Recollection

One of the easiest and hard methods to stabilise your memory power is to recollect each day's actions at the end before you hit your sack. Recollection rewires your brain placing a hold on each activity you do to remember it later. Possibly considering the benefits it brings, you could further move up to the next level of recollection called 'newspaper recollection'. This is the funniest way of re-reading the newspaper without referring to the physical copy. This method motivates you to recollect the news page by page after three or more hours of its physical reading. This will definitely challenge your brain power as it is a laborious one. Your short-term and long-term memory will both get better with consistent practice.

·       Exercise and Yoga

A busy world doesn't support the time for exercise and yoga. But in spite of that, discovering ways to manage a schedule for workouts and yoga pays off. It is advised by experts to do yoga in the morning before the sun becomes oppressive. You could choose both yoga and physical workout (aerobic, cycling etc) for your target list to allow them to work on your memory power. 30-minute exercise and yoga activate your brain cells to organise things well and maintain a record of them.

Overcome anxiety to change your life

·       IQ exercises

Involve in activities that challenge your traditional concepts or routine. We all live a normal life where things can't be hard. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are nurtured as you distance yourself from long-established practices. Modern technologies assist you in building yourself with useful qualities like better memory power and a knack for learning things in no time. Many IQ exercise applications are available at the play store and other recognised platforms to download for free. Challenge yourself with IQ games in them and monitor the changes happening to you over time, especially to your memory power. You'll thank me later!

My recommendation for good applications are:



·         Reading

Don't ever underestimate what reading can bring to you. Although it may seem uninteresting, there are many benefits associated with reading. Even if your love of reading is different from your peers, the benefits it brings will help you achieve a lot in life. Improved concentration level and memory power, reduced stress, enhanced knowledge, vocabulary expansion and strong writing abilities are all connected with reading and its results. Do you plan to renovate yourself with some new perspectives? Then, go for reading and see a new you!

·       Writing

Writing is a great technique to raise your memory power to a high level. It calls for the capacity to reason, arrange, and convey them using appropriate language. Through writing, your brain starts getting into the deep of everything to comprehend and analyse. Follow a strong routine of writing every day to fill up the blanks.

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