gtag('config', 'G-F2QY2CZ51R'); MindFulL Thoughts: How to entertain your children and make parenting easy


Sunday, 16 January 2022

How to entertain your children and make parenting easy


How to entertain your children-parenting tips

Parenting is a shared experience of creating a genuine generation for the beautiful world. It can be challenging as our children go beyond what our expectations can afford.  However, with the proper guidance, parenting is also an easy stage in life that can contribute much to your children's future. We don't learn parenting from a university or college. It is in ourselves from the honest feelings we have for our children. No gender or race would define the way we treat our children and, it is good to have an eye on everything we do for them. 

Our children can be the light of the future. Having this in mind, we can teach them some golden rules to follow that never limit their freedom in the world. Here 'rules' never mean the limited view or restrictions, but encouraging and entertaining phases of life to create a vision of inspiration. From my personal experience, even though I'm not a mother, I learned a lot of things from my sister's children. Their smiles and laugh make me proud and feel like I have become a mother. I have become a parent-like person for them as they are always with me. I started teaching them these methods to entertain and bring out the best thoughts that light myself also. Tomorrow's good generation is born out of some good habits.

I shall introduce you to the methods I made for my children.

 Children's Gratitude Journal

 Gratitude is a word people forget. There is a story that tells man is away from gratitude. Two angels were sitting on the two sides of heaven. The person who just died and went to heaven saw that one angel was so busy and the next was sitting without doing anything.

 He asked the busy angel: “Why are you so busy”?

 Angel said: “I'm an angel to write the names of people who got their wishes fulfilled. Every day, we get a lot of requests and God is doing it for them.”

 He then asked the next angel: “Why are you not doing anything?”

 She said: “I'm an angel to write the names of people who said 'thank God' for fulfilling their needs. Unfortunately, very few say thanks.”

When I told this story to my children, they asked: "So we must say thank God for the gifts?"

My answer was yes then and now. Being grateful in life matters. 

It is very important to teach them that being happy means being grateful. So, I started a book where they can write their thanks to God. As they don't know how to write, I write their words for them.

Studies suggest that having a gratitude journal is a creative way for children to know themselves and their feelings. Their emotions are valuable. It is a kind of activity to engage them with their inner self. We can teach them to be thankful for everything from getting ice cream to winning in a competition. 

 The benefit of a gratitude journal is our children will not turn their faces against the needy. They can help others with pure love and empathy. As a parent, it is our responsibility to teach them enlightening thoughts and routines. 

Read this for more ideas: 

Read them Real Life Stories

Stories are the core that rejuvenates childhood emotions. We all have some beautiful stories to remember from our childhood. Do you know the stories are like a spoon to feed the values into our children's hearts? 

 Tell them real-life stories of ourselves through an interesting narration. Our childhood fantasies, memorable moments, wrongdoing, and what lessons learned from that, etc can be explained as stories. It is better to express yourself as a child in all those value-oriented stories. They will be shaped from whatever good we transmit to them. Always remember, don't try to fill them with religious and narrow-minded thoughts. 

 Play with them in Nature

 Nature is our cure and protector. However, in this modern life, most parents don't allow their children to play outdoors. They fear that children may catch fever if they wet themselves in the rain or touch the soil. We all are living in a polluted atmosphere. Yet, there is a hope of freshness around us. 

 Find some time to play with them in nature. The play can be anything from just sitting under the sky and observing the green around us, enjoying the soft breeze, talking about the greatness of nature, or playing hide and seek or games. The intention is to relax their mind with nature and raise their creativity. We can all keep them close to our mother nature and she will protect them. 

Buy this colouring book and enjoy playing with children. 

 Take their Feelings from a Topic

 Their words are to be respected. The words from the little tongue can bring remarkable changes to our perspectives. Am I right? What happens when we talk to our children about something we are both familiar with? They say their viewpoint that we have never been to. 

 Yeah, they are precious gems with unique thoughts. Take their feelings from a topic and celebrate them or correct the mistakes. This is how a family grows!! And it is helpful for us too. Improving with them means our children become our teachers too. It's magical progress! 

 When I talk to my little people, they share their views, thoughts, and imaginations. I'm happy to hear that..

 Family-time to Clarify their Doubts

 Sometimes, some decisions we take may upset our children. For example, we might have rejected their needs when they cried for a toy. We felt that's not essential for them now. If it has a solid reason, this family time would be better to clarify your side. It can be conducted twice a week to review our decisions and clarify our viewpoint. 

Having dinner together, relaxing on a sofa together, watching a family movie, etc are all fun. These can increase their family attachment and bond. They will come back to us even from a long distance. 

 Teach Happiness from Simple Things

Everyone has their definition of happiness. We have to teach our children that happiness is not in the money-filled pockets. They must be happy for simple things in life. Our influence upon them must be the realization that luxury means pure happiness from refreshing-simple things. 

 Their mind should appreciate the peace they get from simple actions like helping an older person to cross the road or watching a flower bloom. Being thankful and happy in every moment helps the mental balance and productivity of our children. They will start hugging each moment with satisfaction. That is the gift parents can present to them at their younger ages.

This article will help you. 

 The 2-minute action plan for You

 Can we have some questions to check?

  • Count how many actions from this list you follow.
  • Do your children talk to you freely about anything?
  • Have you observed their outdoor happiness?
  • Can you count how many times they have enjoyed the rain and shared the happiness of that moment with you?
  • Do you feel the lists are enough?
  • Do you organize family time with them?

 The Long Term Action Plan

  • Buy a book to start the gratitude journal.
  • Take twice a day to tell the real stories of values before they go to sleep. Their brain will positively process this during sleep.
  • Schedule a time to spend outdoors with them. It's not the restaurant, a nature walk, or anything that attracts them to nature. 
  • Make your family time a celebration. Watch a movie together or play with them.
  • Go outside and let them watch the flowers' color and the bees coming. Show your excitement and share with them. They will learn from you. 

 Enjoy your parenthood in the best way possible. 




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