gtag('config', 'G-F2QY2CZ51R'); MindFulL Thoughts: The smile of my teacher continuously inspiring to focus on life.


Friday, 15 October 2021

The smile of my teacher continuously inspiring to focus on life.


Happy teachers day
happy teacher's day

Love is beyond imagination. Love has no barriers. For all of us, each day is another chance to do what yesterday could not. Wake with confidence and hope. The world will surprise us with miracles that can bring a smile lasting forever. I always believe the universe is trying to bless us with good people, meaningful moments if we are ready to receive unlimited love. I trust there is no powerful weapon than love. Love can open any doors and walk through difficult paths to reach the mountain of success. In my whole life, I have been feeling this truth in each second. I'm grateful for what the universe giving me. A successful life does not mean a pocket filled with money. The definition of a successful life is how peaceful our sleep is, how we nurture each other with love, how we thank God for all blessings and a strong mind. I'm glad that God touched me with a lot of meaningful moments. 

In India, a teacher is equal to God. Teachers give light to the future when we know nothing except childhood actions. They are the ultimate sources of positive spirit that becomes wings for one's dream. For me, their love was a precious gift I have received. My inspired experience is from them when I have been doing my graduation. I was not studious. I was just an average student who was also an introvert. Many other students were better than me in their studies and participating in extracurricular activities. I choose my friend's circle carefully because the group can influence us in all spheres of life. In time the group becomes you. So, if choose with the utmost care, we grow to positive aspects of life. My classmates secured safe marks in the internal and university exams. And I just earned an average. I never failed any exams, that's it!

Every year our college provide awards to the best students from each department. It's also a class-based system. Two students get selected from each class. The endowment award is on academic excellence and the total ranking of the person in terms of behaviour, extracurricular activities etc. Of course, I would not be near to the pitch. Then happened the mystery. One day, our English core subject teacher came to the class. I was thinking something else and was absent from what the teacher said. In the end, I heard people clapping. Without knowing the matter, I got along with them for clapping. After sometime when the class was over, I asked my best friend near me,
"Why everyone clapped"
"You did not hear what said?"
She asked back. I nodded my head for 'no'. She then smiled and said;
"You are going to receive the endowment award this year. You are the second person chosen by teachers."
I stared at her like I was deff.  I cannot imagine me receiving the award. I'm just an average student who is mostly away from extracurricular activities. I made a speech once when I was a first-year student. Now, this is my third year. I made my presence for everything less. How can I get the award? That was my confusing question. I cried to myself don't suitable for this award. Other people deserve it exactly. But, I was not brave enough to tell this truth to my teachers. So, I remained silent outside and inside was checking why I was fit for this honour. My friend said;
"You deserve it, my dear. You are selected not only based on marks. You got selected on many other factors that define a good human. Our teachers know it with heart. It's their gift with love. Receive it with love and respect. Doubting yourself means doubting them. Don't do it."
This time my mind was happy and calm. This talk made sense or, at least I realised it is love. I got ready for the next step. 

I passed this great news to my mother, my all-time supporter. And I also remembered one beautiful memory related to it. In the second year, I shared a beautiful thought with my buddy at the endowment award of 2016. Mothers and fathers of many students received the award in the absence of their children. I said to my friend;
"These parents are blessed because they gave birth to amazing children. They are proud parents and children. Receiving gifts in their children's names when the room filled with lots of people is a blessing."
She agreed with me. Surprisingly, the very next year, I got the privilege to get the award. Is it a coincidence? What magic from God! I believe God listens to our silent murmurs. He acts for it if we deserve it. And he is also responsible for not bringing the plate if we don't receive it. That's the whole story. I got the affirmation from the universe that I belong to this award. Thank God. I decided my mother must receive it. I would sit among the audience. She is the person behind my success. My mind filled with satisfaction as a daughter would feel when she can give something special to her mother. 

The day arrived. My mother received the certificate. The auditorium was with professors, students, the principal and many other dignified guests. I was sitting among the people watching the beautiful moment in my life. My favourite teacher who announced the award in our class was also looking at us when my mother came back to kiss me. She kissed my forehead with love. The teacher near the announcement desk looked at us and smiled. Her face seemed like she did the duty. That made all the difference. Her smile proved to me love is everything to get what we want. 

This memory still inspires me to focus on life even when depression hits me hard. There is nothing to prove who I am. And above all, I thank God for everything given. I thank my best friend guided me when I was confused. With my heart, thank the great smile that influences my every step. A smile can change a life.

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