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Sunday 17 September 2023

What Are the Best Productive Steps to Achieve Success?


People are of two types- productive and non-productive. Achievement and quality of life vary based on which group people belong to. Have you ever thought about how productive you are? How many hours do you work for your dreams? Mindfullthoughtss, the leading lifestyle blog has something to share with you about being productive in life and how it turns life into another successful chapter.

Being productive means knowing what to do and having a clear idea about where to start and where to end. Most of the time, it is misinterpreted as being productive simply means engaging in doing something all the time. It doesn’t matter how many hours you work; the quality of what you do and the result matter. In order to be productive, you must know the baby steps towards it. Let’s see what are they. 

 Set your goals

Identifying and setting your goals are the laws of success that the most celebrated people in this world believe in. There is nothing more powerful than having a strong plan for where you want to be after five or six years. This will help you plan the steps to take and the improvements to be made. Half of the job is done when you create an outline of your life goals. This is the first step to becoming productive and fully engaged in your future.

 Stop procrastination

It is okay to feel tired and close the files. However, if you are constantly feeling too ill to open a file and do the necessary chores, it can be a sign of your procrastination. Those who procrastinate are less productive and energetic in their lives. It is, in a way, closing the doors to growth. Most of the time, procrastinators know how to walk; hence, they refuse to move their legs. If you want to become productive, stop procrastinating and start steering the wheel.

 Engage in knowledge acquisition and sharing process.

Knowledge is powerful when you know how and where to apply it. Without being up-to-date about the things in your industry, you may slow your progress and pace. To never fall into the backwaters of no-knowledge, spend half an hour a day accessing new knowledge to convert it into success.

 Take small steps every day

Discipline is the key to success, as you know. Steps, big or small, finally let you reach the destination. Get ready to take baby steps every day to achieve your big dreams. No matter how small your actions are, they become milestones in one day. Personal success is not accidental; it is planned with dedication and courage.


As we discussed, success is the sum of what we do. When we become productive and ready to move our legs to new areas, we are more likely to be happy and successful in life.


Thursday 29 June 2023

The Essential Guide To Getting Old And Being Active


essential guide to getting old

Getting Old

Welcome to our leading lifestyle blog! In this post, we will delve into an important topic that resonates with people of all ages: things to remember when you get old. Ageing is an inevitable part of life, and while it brings new experiences and wisdom, it also poses unique challenges. By keeping certain factors in mind, you can make the most of your senior years and maintain a fulfilling lifestyle. So, let's explore some essential reminders for those embracing the journey of growing old gracefully.

Prioritize Your Physical Health

Maintaining good physical health is crucial as you age. Engage in regular exercise appropriate for your abilities and consult with a healthcare professional for guidance. Exercise not only helps keep your body strong and agile but also improves mental well-being. Additionally, make sure to follow a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep. By nurturing your body, you'll enhance your overall quality of life.

Here are 5 self-happiness methods for you.

Nurture Your Mental Well-being

As you grow older, it's important to prioritize activities that keep your mind sharp and engaged. Engage in hobbies, puzzles, reading, or learning new skills. Stay socially active by connecting with friends, family, and your community. Seek emotional support when needed, and consider meditation or mindfulness practices to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.

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Plan for Financial Security

Financial stability is crucial during your golden years. Take time to review your retirement savings, investments, and insurance policies. Consider consulting with a financial advisor to ensure your finances are in order and aligned with your long-term goals. Plan for unforeseen circumstances, such as medical expenses or long-term care, and explore options like insurance plans and estate planning to protect your assets and secure your future.

Maintain Strong Relationships

As you age, the value of nurturing relationships becomes even more apparent. Make an effort to stay connected with loved ones, friends, and your community. Engage in activities that foster social interaction, such as joining clubs, volunteering, or participating in local events. Meaningful relationships provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging, which are essential for a happy and fulfilling life.

being old

Embrace Lifelong Learning

The pursuit of knowledge and personal growth knows no age limit. Engaging in lifelong learning keeps your mind active and helps you adapt to the ever-changing world. Explore new hobbies, take up a new language, enrol in online courses, or join community classes. The joy of learning keeps you curious, promotes personal development, and helps you stay mentally agile, regardless of your age.

Cultivate a Positive Outlook

Maintaining a positive attitude is a powerful tool when navigating the challenges that come with ageing. Focus on gratitude and appreciate the small joys in life. Surround yourself with positive influences and seek out activities that bring you happiness. A positive mindset not only improves your mental well-being but also enhances your resilience and ability to cope with life's ups and downs.

End Words

Getting older is an opportunity to embrace a new phase of life. By remembering these essential aspects, you can make the most of your senior years and create a lifestyle that is fulfilling and meaningful. Prioritize your physical and mental well-being, plan for financial security, nurture relationships, embrace lifelong learning, and cultivate a positive outlook. Let this be a guide to help you age gracefully and live your best life, regardless of the number of candles on your birthday cake.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

3 changes that happen to you after a breakup

 The importance of a relationship

Why relationship be healthy?

A relationship can have different forms between you and your friends or between you and your romantic interest. Even though too much dependence on others has trembling aftereffects, having someone who understands us the right way, and who can become our growth inspiration is a blessing. Nowadays, fake people are everywhere and honest faces are few to see. Finding someone among the countless fake faces is a task that needs more attention. There should be an equal proportion between your relationship and your dreams. While a relationship is important, you can't destroy your dreams by fully focusing on only maintaining your relationship. That means, while you are in a relationship, you should also be able to achieve your dreams. That is why, a healthy relationship is important along with your dreams.


Why relationships be healthy?


A healthy relationship doesn't mean one with no issues between the people involved in it. Sometimes, people can have different opinions and their responses can be bold. But, a healthy relationship must have some fundamental qualities that help the people overcome their differences to get along to a bright future. How can you know if you are in a healthy relationship? Well, the question is vast, with a lot more wide answers. Here are some well-approved answers that can help you reach your realisation.


• When you are in a healthy relationship, you no longer worry about commitment and a future with them. Your partner will be confident about you and you don't have to worry about how much effort he/she will take to join a life together.


• A healthy relationship doesn't compare you with anyone in this world. You are loved with all your faults and righteousness. 


• If your partner isn't worried about you having a more stable income or position than him, don't look back at all, he is the right one for you. 


• When a partner is ready to learn from you and with you, the relationship will be healthier. 


• If your partner is ready to shrug the ego aside and respect your space, then you can have a healthy relationship with that person. 


• Finally, if your partner struggles along with you to make your dreams come true, who else are you looking for? The magic person has come into your life. 


I again assert that this is not a complete list, but you can check it whenever you are confused and lost with no clue about a healthy relationship. The final part is that a healthy relationship is necessary not any type of relationship just to be in connection.

Lifestyle Blog

Why a breakup is important to go forward?


Can you believe life can be brighter once the breakup pain is over? You begin to realise a set of life's basic theories once you get hurt by pain. 


You start prioritising and loving yourself


Self-love is what most people lack in today's world. Sometimes, relationships don't allow you to be your authentic self-core. Once you understand you have made some mistakes in the relationship or what the next person did to you, certainly, it is going to be a purification journey for you. By diving into who you are, you will be able to choose a safe path for you to become successful in life. It all begins with self-love. 


You understand what a true relationship is.


We all have some Fairy Tail dreams in our hearts. With a breakup, we come back to the ground to define a relationship and its distinguishing points. By accepting the mistakes of both sides, you learn the core of relationships. It will reflect on your whole journey as well.

Wednesday 19 April 2023

The best podcasts to listen to change your life


Best podcasts to listen

Podcast- the new age trend

Podcasts have become a modern trend among people of all ages, especially amongst those who are busy with their profession. Some people listen to them in order to stay updated on their profession, and for some people, podcasts encourage them to lead a better life. There are subject-oriented podcasts specifically recorded for certain sets of audiences. In a sense, podcasting has become an essential market trend for branding, affiliate marketing, awareness etc. Have you ever switched on a podcast and felt calm after listening to the end? Considering their popularity, Spotify and other music platforms also support podcasts. Let's focus this blog on podcasting and its benefits.

What are the benefits of podcasts?

There are several reasons why podcasts go viral and become popular. Although people say visual facts are more meaningful and catchy than just audios, today's busy people yell that podcasts (audio) are convenient for them to listen to and get updated on almost everything. There are specific podcasts for different subjects, and the podcast world is wider than you think. Here are some of its benefits:

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Podcasts improve language

Language, especially English is an essential part of today's communication. That being said, a lot of people are struggling with this international language, a bridge connecting people from all parts of the world. Podcasts are available in different languages, especially regional languages in India; however, English podcasts attract wider audiences because of the fact that either they can learn the language or improve their language. With podcasts, listeners can get familiar with new words and use them in their daily lives. By listening to podcasts, you will be confident in pursuing the English language and its knowledge.


Get insights without being distracted by visuals

You heard right! Sometimes, visuals can turn off your understanding and interest level leaving you blank about what you have just watched. I'm sure you've faced this If not, here's an example. Imagine you are watching an accident news report and you are embarrassed by the scenes shown on the video and not listening completely to what the reporter says. At the end of that video, you'd be like, What was the core of the news? Whereas through podcasts, you'll get A-Z news without being embarrassed by the visuals at all. Isn't it what you need?

Choose your favourite subject from the pool of podcasts

Subject-specified podcasts can be selected to excel a part of you without getting bored at all. When you select subjects based on what you prefer, the chances are more to uplift your mood and perspectives about life. Those who listen to their own specified subject podcasts are more likely to find success than others who don't listen at all or just randomly go through them.

Suggested podcasts

7 Good Minutes Daily by Clyde Lee Dennis

This podcast is mainly for busy people; it takes only 7 minutes to motivate you or enlighten your journey. The next 7 minutes will teach you everything you need to go ahead without fearing the walls crushing your dreams and energy. You can listen to the greatest minds in the world, like Jay Shetty, Mel Robbins, Robin Sharma, etc.

Huberman Lab

This podcast talks more in a scientific way. It teaches us how our brains and thought processes work in order to better guide them. Sometimes they are lengthy; however, your life will not be wasted by listening to this beautiful podcast.

The Mindset Mentor

This podcast blends neurology, early childhood development, etc. to help you create your best versions to make this world a beautiful green carpet.

The bottom line

You can listen to these podcasts using the Google Podcast application, which is available on the app market.


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Sunday 19 March 2023

How to manage Professional and Personal Lives?

 How to manage Professional and Personal Lives?

how to manage professional and personal lives

Professional and Personal Life

Balancing professional and personal lives can be a difficult task for many people, especially in today's fast-paced world. With so many demands on our time and attention, it can be challenging to find work-life balance that allows us to excel in both areas. However, achieving balance is not only possible but it is also essential for overall well-being and success in both personal and professional areas. When you feel overwhelmed and stressed, it can negatively impact your relationships, health, and career. Finding balance requires planning, prioritising, and taking steps to manage your time effectively.

Work-life balance

Work-life balance refers to the idea of achieving a healthy and sustainable balance between one's personal life and professional life. It means allocating time and energy to both work-related activities and personal activities, such as hobbies, socialising, family time, and self-care. Work-life balance is important for maintaining overall well-being, reducing stress, and increasing productivity and job satisfaction. Achieving work-life balance can be challenging, especially in today's fast-paced and demanding work environment, but it is essential for achieving long-term success and happiness in both personal and professional spheres.

Prioritise Your Tasks

The first step in balancing your professional and personal lives is to prioritise your tasks. Start by making a list of your most important tasks, both at work and in your personal life. Once you have a clear idea of what needs to be done, prioritise these tasks based on their importance and urgency.

One way to prioritise your tasks is to use the Eisenhower matrix. This matrix categorizes tasks into four groups based on their level of urgency and importance, which are urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. By categorising your tasks in this way, you can focus on the most important and urgent tasks, and avoid wasting time on tasks that are neither urgent nor important.

Set Boundaries

Creating clear boundaries between your professional and personal lives is crucial to achieving balance. Similarly, try to limit personal distractions during work hours.

Setting boundaries can also mean learning to say no to certain tasks or commitments. While it may be tempting to say yes to everything, taking on too much can lead to burnout and stress. Instead, focus on the tasks that align with your priorities and values, and delegate or say no to tasks that are not essential.

work-life balance

Schedule Your Time

One of the most effective ways to balance your professional and personal lives is to schedule your time. Use a calendar or scheduling tool to plan your time, and make sure to allocate time for both work and personal tasks.

When scheduling your time, consider your energy levels throughout the day. If you are a morning person, schedule your most important tasks for the morning, and save less important tasks for later in the day when your energy is lower.

It is also important to be realistic when scheduling your time. Do not try to cram too many tasks into a single day, as this can lead to stress and burnout. Instead, schedule a reasonable number of tasks each day, and make sure to leave time for breaks and relaxation.

Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is essential to achieving balance in your professional and personal lives. This can include things like exercise, meditation, spending time with loved ones, and getting enough sleep.

When you are feeling your best, you will be better able to handle the demands of both your personal and professional lives. Remember that self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity for achieving balance and overall well-being.

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 Learn to Delegate

Delegating tasks is another effective way to balance your professional and personal lives. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it, whether it is delegating tasks at work or enlisting the help of family and friends for personal tasks.

Delegating not only allows you to free up time for more important tasks, but it also helps you build trust and collaboration with others. When delegating, make sure to provide clear instructions and expectations, and follow up to ensure that tasks are completed to your satisfaction.

Stay Flexible

Finally, it is important to remember that life is unpredictable, and things do not always go as planned. Staying flexible and being prepared to adjust your schedule or priorities as needed is key to achieving balance.

This means being open to new opportunities and experiences, and being willing to adapt to changing circumstances. Remember that balance is not a fixed state, but a dynamic process that requires ongoing attention and adjustment.

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking can be tempting when you have many tasks to complete, but it can also be counterproductive. Trying to do too many things at once can lead to mistakes, stress, and burnout. Refrain from multitasking and concentrate on completing one task at a time with undivided attention. This will allow you to complete tasks more efficiently and effectively, and reduce stress and overwhelm.


Balancing professional and personal lives is crucial for achieving long-term success and happiness in both spheres. While it may seem daunting, with careful planning and effective strategies, it is possible to achieve a healthy work-life balance. By finding a balance between these two important areas of life, individuals can lead fulfilling and productive lives while also enjoying meaningful personal relationships and experiences.


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Wednesday 8 March 2023

Be happy and get relaxed with these 5 self-happiness methods



Happiness with yourself is not a choice but a must to lead a quality life. Happiness is the key to facing this totally uncontrollable world where people and situations are constantly changing that sometimes hurt you without your concern. 


People say nobody can hurt you without your permission, however, the truth is, hurting is a natural response when you get attached to someone or trust that person. Even without realising that you are more powerful than the person on the other edge, your eyes swell with tears, and your mind starts falling apart. Beyond all of that, do you know that you can mend all the pieces of your broken heart, this time, with a strong heart? 


The first step to being stronger is to learn how to be happy with yourself even if there is no one to catch your pain. When you learn to be happy with yourself, people are less likely to hurt you, or you are less likely to get hurt because of them. This blog is for all of you who have gone through the pain of separation, hurt, humiliation and many more. You are powerful enough to conquer the world with your happiness and the high vision you have for your path. Let's dive deep into.

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Check out these happiness advantages

1. Be grateful for everything


When you are grateful for whatever little you have, life becomes easier for you. The abundance of happiness is a fine result of how much you accept your internal and external circumstances even if they create storms in your life. Haven't you seen great people who faced challenges with peaceful smiles? They could do it only because they accepted the limitations and possibilities they carry as humans. However, it doesn't mean they didn't wish for more. It just means they knew how to turn their plates when their wishes take on a greedy shape that destroys the core of happiness. So, be thankful for everything you face, learn from experiences and use them as a stepping stone towards your happy and successful self.

Art of happiness

2. Choose relationships carefully and feel free to leave them

Relationships give beauty to our mundane lives. It encourages us to embrace life with love and an optimistic attitude. However, the same relationships can dull happiness with a smile. Nowadays, connecting with people has become effortless. We get connected to people we haven't seen directly. Do you think trust is a trusted word? This online world supports the value of fake people who are good at destroying the peace we have been keeping in our hearts. 


Surrounding yourself with digestive people is important if you want to be successful in life. Digestive people are easy to get along with because they accept and don't judge our black-and-white shadows. They criticise us for the wrong things we did and at the same time, congratulate us for our efforts and achievements. Such people are definitely meant to be your friends. 


If things don't work out the way they should, then you need to be strong enough to leave the space bravely. Yes, I know, leaving your favourite people can be scary and painful. However, taking this courageous step will split your life into then and now, with progress and an emphasis on 'NOW'.


3. Create habits that can change and level up your mood


Habits are a stepping stone towards your success. No matter what you do, your success is the result of habits that uniquely prepare you. It either relaxes you giving more power to go ahead or fills your brain with knowledge to convert into success. Reading, writing, and listening to music are some of the habits people love to follow in their lives. Get ready to create one to harvest success and happiness.

Self-happiness ways

4. Positive affirmation to positively drive you


You don't need to be a spiritually aligned person to welcome the results of positive affirmations. Science agrees that positive affirmations are helpful in creating a positive mindset although no scientific studies support their benefits. You can incorporate affirmations in your life at least to face challenges in your life. A mind full of faith in future is more likely to give you a peaceful life.


Follow these positive affirmations for success


5. Exercise and eat healthy food


Exercise and healthy food are two sides of the same coin. Your life can be threatening if you miss them in your life. Engage in 30 minutes of workouts a day to improve metabolism and maintain healthy body weight. Simultaneously, you can follow a good diet rich in nutrients to naturally boost your immune system.

The bottom line


With these 5 methods, you can label your life as productive and fruitful. Understand that it is your sole responsibility to be happy and achieve success like the people you admire. Learn the art of happiness to redefine your life. 




Follow these positive affirmations for success

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What Are the Best Productive Steps to Achieve Success?

People are of two types- productive and non-productive. Achievement and quality of life vary based on which group people belong to. Have you...